Sahrudaya, social work arm of Archdiocese of Ernakualam- Angamaly opens recently for public a health care mart, a shop which treats every customer as unique and enriching them with rejuvenated shopping experience. Sahrudaya mart gives you health outcomes as well as increased savings. It sales good quality products with low price and we never compromise in its quality. Sahrudaya always makes sure that its social work programmes are accessible and efficient and staffs are the wings to fly above and so we work hard to teach our generation a better healthy life! We invite you to experience how we help you with smart health care products.
What makes us different from others?
It is well known that what makes shopping with us so worthy; it is the quality of attention in delivering products in a flexible manner. If you visit us regularly, you will feel like products are kept in order and the time you spend with us comparatively less in finding a product. Our staffs are very enthusiastic to help every consumer in every stages of purchase.
Every customer is a unique individual for us, and we are designed to help you based on your needs. We believe in our staff’s quality of perseverance in solving your dilemma while selecting a better product for your health. They will render their time to pick you the right wellness products and give you an insight on your health. This surely makes us different as service providers.
Sahrudaya Health and Care Mart- All the items your family need in one place
Sahrudaya health and care is specialized in organic health care products. Moreover, we are delivering these products at your door. Nowadays our marketing staffs are delivering these products weekly from major institutions and establishments in the district as per the order taken which shows our flexibility in delivering at your door! There are more than 1000 products at our shop. You will be getting all these products at your door for a healthy life.