Community Health Programm

Community Health Awareness

“Educating health habits for preserving the common health of people”

One of the main contributing factors of modern lifestyle diseases is identified as the poor diet practices of the people. Life style diseases like obesity, cancer, diabetic, cardio vascular diseases, hypertension, etc are caught by majority of people. Even today, we are on the move to break the chain of spreading virus and here the major roles are taken by our community leaders to protect the people from getting infected. we look forward a sustainable villages who give more importance to their health and envisaging more effective ways of sharing the knowledge of one another. The major focus of the community helath programs implemented by Sahrudaya was to promote sustainable health of the people. People are educated to maintain healthy habits and ward off diseases.

Our Approach

In order to address the emerging health care issues of people and the members of the self help groups, the following were the major activities of the organization.

Health & Care
Sneha Mental
Health Program
Cancer Care

Asakiranam Cancer Care Project

“Promoting preventive measures and support the lives of cancer patients”

The proliferation of cancer disease among the Keralite is very fast and the number of new case every day is said to be more than 100. In Kerala the number of people visiting hospitals and laboratories for consultation is also very high compared to any other states in India. Spread of cancer disease is a great threat to humanity. Ashakiranam cancer care program of Sahrudaya with the support of Caritas India supporting the many by different programs like awareness campaigns, hair donation campaigns, financial assistance etc… Sahrudaya aims to sensitize the community on health and take preventive measures besides supporting the victims through different services.